First Post!

Hey all!

Look at that, the comic I’ve had trapped in my brain for a while is like, almost a thing! Woohoo!
For those of you who don’t know who I am or what this is, hi there, I’m Damien Davila, and this is Colors May Vary, a webcomic focusing on Motley, a man who woke up in a cave with no idea who he is or why he exists. With the help of a few new friends, and the abilities of an element changing staff he awoke with, Motley will have to face the enemies and challenges of a conflict he had no part in.
Does that sell it? I’ve never been good at selling things, haha. Just know it’s gonna be a series that is fun, and, if I do my job right, deep and character driven. Maybe even *action packed* oooh~

I mentioned earlier that this has been a while in the making, and I do mean like, 8 years. The first inklings of this started in high school, when I drew Motley for the first time. Since then I’ve made a ton (and I mean, a ton) more characters and planned out a lot(and I still mean a lot) of plot. Now, after practicing my stories with an RPG with my friends and a few years of expanding my art skills, I’m nearing the end of college and finally feel almost prepared enough to get this thing officially going.
Here’s hoping this doesn’t take another decade to finish (it will).

Alright I’ll wrap my first little blog post up now, but I want to say to anyone reading this or anyone that reads the story, thank you very much for viewing my work, and enjoy your time reading through the story of Colors May Vary.

Drawing of Self with Shocked Expression