Volumes 1 - 2

Drawing of Motley


Age: ?? Gender: M Height: 5’ 5”
Likes: Perfectly shaped food, collectibles, ties
Dislikes: Coffee, sticky things

Specialty: Wielding an elemental staff, Motley can switch between certain elements at will. It seems that ragardless, he harnesses the power of light independant of what he is using the staff for.

Motley is a very go with the flow type of person. He goes where feels right, with who feels right. He doesn’t know much about the world, because why assume he knows better than anyone else? He has no knowledge of this world. He’s just here, and he’ll do what’s asked of him. The main thing driving him forward is a deep desire to keep everyone safe, and the belief that that is what he was put there to do.

Drawing of Trystin


Age: 23 Gender: F Height: 5’ 8”
Likes: Technology, standing out, flirting
Dislikes: Her past self, childishness

Trystin seems very closed off about her past, choosing to gloss over things very quickly. Perhaps there’s something she doesn’t want known by her new friend, Motley. Whatever it is, she seems to be trying to differentiate herself from that as much as possible.
Aside from that, she is a confident woman. She wants to prove what she can do, how she can surpass her limits. As one of the few people involved in the big conflicts without some sort of supernatural abilities, she wants to prove she can keep up with everyone with the technology she creates.

Drawing of Quinn


Age: 22 Gender: F Height: 5’ 2”
Likes: Stress toys, coding
Dislikes: Her eyesight, cacti, most people

Quinn is TIRED of waking up EVERY DAY and finding her brothers STUPID CLOTHES strewn all over the apartment.
But he pays the bills... so she guessses she can't complain that much.
Quinn is a very, very overstressed individual, and really, she shouldn't be, but life seems to have it out for her. Things only get worse when she decides to follow Motley on his adventure. But, she seems to be set on going with him, for some reason she will not disclose.
To deal with the stress, she embraces the cringe side of life, enjoying her various animes and children's shows.

Drawing of Juniper


Age: 25 Gender: F Height: 6’
Likes: Coffee, boba, space
Dislikes: Sitting still, bugs

Juniper's weird obsession with consuming liquids by turning them into sphere form, and the subsequent ten offers for you to try one, are the bane of her coworkers' existance.
But get this girl a telescope, put her in an environment where she can see the vastness of the universe and the amazing array of stars, and her normal blabber will turn into a surprisingly thoughtful discussion on one's place in the universe.